Data management in Mobile-P2P networks using economic incentive models and game theory
Principal Investigator:
- Anirban Mondal, Associate Professor, IIITD
- Sanjay Kumar Madria, Associate Professor, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
- Nilesh Padhariya, PhD Student, IIITD
- Varun Gandhi, BTech Student, IIITD
- Roshan Shankar, BTech Student, NSIT
The pervasiveness of mobile devices coupled with the popularity of the P2P paradigm provide a strong motivation for Mobile-P2P applications. Examples of mobile-P2P applications include futuristic mobile eBay, cab-sharing among mobile users and file-sharing (e.g., mp3s and video-clips) among mobile users in a shopping mall. In mobile ad-hoc peer-to-peer (M-P2P) networks, frequent network partitioning leads to typically low data availability, thereby making data replication a necessity. Furthermore, free-riding is rampant in P2P environments. The resource constraints of mobile devices exacerbates the problem of Mobile-P2P data availability. This project is aimed at designing novel economic incentive models for dynamic replication of data in M-P2P networks using economic incentive models and game theory.
Further details about this project can be found from our papers, which are available for download at the following URL:
Data Management and Security in Emerging Technologies
Principal Investigator:
- Vikram Goyal, Assistant Professor, IIITD
Fast progress in networking, storage, and processor technologies has resulted in an unprecedented volume of digital information. Howeveralong with this rapid and dramatic increase in digital information, concerns over the privacy of personal information has assumed paramount importance. The ease of data collection and data availability (e.g., over social-P2P networking sites, mobile-P2P networks etc) has paradoxically deteriorated the privacy situation. Furthermore, it has raised numerous ethical and legal issues. Therefore, safeguards to protect the privacy of individuals are becoming critical. In this project, our focus is on providing effective security and data management solutions for applications in emerging domains such as mobile-P2P and cloud computing.
Text Analytics
Principal Investigator:
- Ashish Sureka, Assistant Professor, IIITD
- Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Assistant Professor, IIITD
- Denzil Correa, Research Scholar, IIITD
Text Mining is one of the research focus areas of the Information Management & Analytics Group. The group is working on developing tools and techniques for analyzing user-generated content in blogs, threaded discussions, forums, review websites and online chat for discovering knowledge and useful insights. Specifically, the group is working on emotion and sentiment extraction for consumer review mining applications and cyber-hate analysis in blogosphere. The group is also working on building intelligent email clients using speech act analysis as a building block. Specifically, the project consists of building dialog act classifiers for discovering user intent in email communications to augment existing email client for enriching user experience.
Large-scale Graph data management and mining
Principal Investigator:
- Srikanta Bedathur, Assistant Professor, IIITD
Graphs are used to model many forms of data in the most flexible way. In recent times, there are a wide range of applications which necessitate the use of graph models -- biological interactions, online social networks, the Web graph, entity-relationship graphs, co-occurrence relations, Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web, etc., are some example settings for this. Many of these new applications require modern techniques to scale query processing as well as the discovery of patterns. This project is aimed at both foundational as well as application-driven research in this space.
Further details about this project can be found from the papers, which are available at the following URL: